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How to make a good friend

If you don't have many friends, then make small talk. Small talk is the first part of developing friendship (or the second, if you have them as a classmate, for example). Small talk subjects often include the weather or what you do for a living, but another strategy is to talk about something around you. You might try a simple introduction by way of icebreaker ("Hi. I'm Julie."),
Ask them about their hobbies to see if you can do something together within one another shared interests. Get to really know this person. Find their likes and dislikes, favorite activities, their favorite colors, etc. There is so much you can find out!
Listen. Don't be the one that asks questions all the time and vice versa. If you're asking them too many questions, (or too personal) some people might be overwhelmed. If you don't question them anything, some people might feel awkward, having to lead the conversation alone. If they don't seem to be interested, think to yourself to find another best friend- there are a lot of people just like you out there!

Look beyond the "popular kid" in the class/school. This is a given, and looks like you're trying too hard. Instead, hang out with a new girl or someone you've seen around, but don't know yet. Try a shy person holding back - they may appreciate someone else making the effort for a change!


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