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Nollywood of today advertises sex

It's about time the Nigerians authority start looking at the activities of the nollywood actors and actresses. Nollywood of today has turned into sex advertisers beating against the main reason while dramas are acted, dramas are supposed to educate, inform or enlighten the viewers but today reverse is the case all sort of sexual rascality are now acted in nollywood.
Children had to be restricted from watching nollywood movies because of the rubbish and nonsense actors and actresses of today portrait on stage.
Drama helps with a child's development in many ways. Below are some of the importance of decent dramas:

Even the shyest of children take just a few weeks to gently build up their self esteem until before long they are confident to take a full and active part in sessions - a few weeks is all it takes.

In every session children are encouraged to listen to each other's ideas and thoughts, and to take turns. These activities allow children to recognise the value of concentration; a skill that is vital in the world outside their home.

Learning new songs, playing new games and participating in pretend play (when children must take on the language of the role they are playing) all contribute to a child's developing vocabulary. They are encouraged to express themselves both verbally and through facial expressions and body language which is key to making them better and more effective communicators.

Every activity in Pyjama Drama, from playing drama games to improvisation to singing together, requires co-operation. Children quickly realise that in order to get the best out of sessions, co-operation is a much needed skill!

In Pyjama Drama children don't ever guess they are learning along the way - counting the number of beats in a song, counting the number of stars on a camping trip or working out how many eggs to put in a cake are just a few examples of how being involved in a drama can help to develop important numeracy skills.

We explore a range of different themes and introduce children to different real and imaginary situations each week, sparking their interest in the world in which they live and making them more inquisitive (and therefore more interesting!) little people.

By encouraging children to 'act out' a range of emotions in the safe and supportive environment of a Pyjama Drama class, children are better able to understand their emotions and develop empathy with others.

In each session we play simple percussion instruments, create simple movement sequences and play drama games - all designed to help children gain mastery over their own growing bodies.

Creative people are able to view things in new ways and from different perspectives, to think on their feet and generate new ideas - this is a vital life skill. Our child led approach to improvisation and pretend play encourages the development of creativity as children lead the direction of the drama themselves, come up with solutions to problems in role, and respond imaginatively to a range of pretend situations.

By its very nature drama has the ability to create strong friendships between children as they laugh, learn and grow together week after week after week!

It is time for everyone to view all these rubbish going on in nollywood With confidential concern.

Protect your children from worldly things...


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