Maggi does not have enough nutritional value
Maggi is definitely a perfect quick bite meal and especially amongst youth and the corporate world. But did you know that the food item is highly processed and lacks nutritive value? Rich in carbohydrates, sodium and other food additives, Maggi is extremely low on necessary constituents such as fibre, vitamins and minerals.
Loaded with harmful preservatives
According to the Codex Standards (FAO standards), Maggi is permissible to use acid regulators, flavour enhancers, colours, stabilizers, anti-oxidants, emulsifiers, flour treatment agents, preservatives (to preserve them) and anti-caking agents for its making. Do we really need to understand the harmful effects of these additives on our metabolic system?
Excessive sodium
Maggi has sodium in majority and excess of sodium has been proven to cause hypertension adding up to cardiovascular diseases and kidney damage.
How is it made?
Do you avoid that Maida in rotis in restaurants or biscuits? Well, Maggi has that same ingredient. It is basically made from refined flour which is made by processing of the whole grain flour in which the husk, the bran and the germ which are also the most nutritious parts of the seed, are taken off. A regular intake of maida is likely to create obesity and other digestive issues.
Flavours added up
With high amount of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) in Maggi, it is taste improver that is used in noodles. MSG can also result in allergic reaction and individuals who are sensitive to to MSG are exposed to burning sensations, chest and facial flushing or pain and headaches.
Wax coated noodles
In order to prevent the noodles from sticking together, Maggi noodles are found to be coated with wax which is quite noticeable when you add hot water to the noodles. You can see wax floating in the water short after that. The Codex Standards has permitted the use of chemical propylene glycol, an anti-freeze ingredient in instant noodles which does not let it dry and keep hold of moisture.
These chemicals weaken the immune system as few of these chemicals readily soak up in the body and mount up in the heart, liver and kidneys.
Likely to cause Cancer
Some of the chemicals found in the instant noodles could possibly causing cancer in the human body such as dioxin and plasticisers that are leaked d from the containers in the presence of hot water.
30 percent of all cancers could be prevented if one adopts a healthy diet, according to World Health Organization (WHO).
Replacement for a daily meal
Well, we all know that an addiction to Maggi noodles and other junk food items is bad as it becomes a replacement for your daily food items such as pulses, green vegetables etc. This is seen especially among children and teenagers. There is no doubt that our body needs enough nutrition and proteins for proper functioning which obviously is not present in noodles in an appropriate way.
With these facts stated above, we hope that people get on the reality and start making a wiser choice related to their ‘healthy diet’. Do not let a daily dose of Maggi harm the growth of your body. Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy!
Written by Efe Sophia Osamuede (Mrs) A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE ADVENT OF IGIOGBE SUCCESSION The Binis, an ethnic tribe in Nigeria are a people with uniquely rich culture and traditional heritage they occupy the south Midwestern part of the country, now known as Edo state. They were nicked- name “Ubini” by the Yorubas who played a domineering role in the kingdom during their crisis period which occurred after the exit of the Ogiso’s dynasty; especially as it relates to Eweka I, the first Oba of Benin kingdom. “ubin” was later corrupted to Bini, by which the people are still called today . Otherwise, the people recognize themselves as the Edo People. The Bini’s were renamed Edo people from the time of Oba Ewuare the Great. History has it that, the people and their language was re- named Edo as a result of a boy called Edo who was killed in the process of sparing prince Ogun’s life in his struggle of taking his rightful po...
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