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Why was there no cancer in the olden days? Have you ask yourself this question?: Modern food you eat that causes cancer especially breast cancer.

Foods that Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer
So what foods should you avoid that cause an increased risk of breast cancer? Here are 5 top foods:

1. Sugar

A 2007 Italian study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed a correlation between increased intake in foods with a high glycemic index and breast cancer. Sugar is just one of many high glycemic index food, including baked goods, candy, pasta, white rice, and other refined carbohydrates.
Foods with a high glycemic index are those that have a significant impact on blood sugar. As blood glucose rises, the body releases the hormone insulin. When insulin is high in the blood, it also increases the levels of circulating free estrogen. Moreover, breast tissue (both cancerous and normal) contains insulin receptors. When the insulin and/or estrogen attach to these receptors, it causes cell division, which spells disaster for breast cancer. Note: some natural plant foods are considered to have a high glycemic index, but also contain many important nutrients, and can be eaten in moderation and along with other low glycemic plant foods. The main guideline is to avoid processed and refined carbs and sugars.
The bottom line: Minimize your intake of refined carbohydrates and sugars.
2. Grilled meats

While grilling is frequently touted as the healthiest way to cook meat, this may not be so. Grilling certain animal proteins to high temperatures can increase development of heterocyclic amines (HCAs), which are mutagenic cancer causing compounds. According to the Cancer Project, the worst offenders included well-done chicken breast, well-done steak, pork, salmon, and well-done hamburger. Unfortunately, alternative cooking methods aren’t much better. Frying and broiling to high temperatures also increases the levels of HCAs in meats.
The American Institute for Cancer Research reports increased risk of both colorectal and breast cancer from all red meat consumption, as well. Smoking and curing meat also adds carcinogens. Yikes! Is a piece of meat really worth sacrificing your health and your life?
The bottom line: If you eat meat, make it an occasional treat and cook just to the safe temperature to eliminate bacteria. Better yet, avoid meat altogether.
3. High Fat Animal Products
A high fat diet raises estrogen and prolactin levels, which can in turn give rise to hormone-dependent cancers, such as breast and endometrial cancer. Many commonly consumed animal products are not only rich in fat in general, but in cholesterol-containing saturated fat, which is the type that is extremely problematic for health.
The bottom line: While you need some fat in your diet, get it from avocados, seeds and nuts and other plant foods. Keep animal products in general to a strict minimum (as per #2), and if you do eat some animal protein be sure to trim off all fat and stick to lean cuts. Avoid super fatty animal products altogether such as bacon and cream.
4. Dairy

In order to maintain production, dairy farmers ply their milk-producing animals with all kinds of hormones and chemicals. One of these chemicals is rGBH, which is commonly used in American dairy cattle. Cows’ milk treated with rGBH has higher levels of another hormone, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). This hormone is naturally present in humans and it regulates cell differentiation and division. Studies link elevated levels of IGF-1 to increased risk of breast cancer.
The bottom line: Skip the dairy. Instead, opt for almond milk.
5. Artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners like aspartame (NutraSweet) and sucralose (Splenda) may increase the risk of breast cancer. Though approved by the FDA, little is known about the long-term effects of these artificial chemicals. Studies have shown, however, that artificial sweeteners can and often do trigger insulin release when ingested (known as the cephalic phase response). Because many consider artificial sweeteners “free” foods since they are non-caloric, this often leads to increased consumption and therefore, elevated insulin levels. For the reasons discussed above, excess elevated insulin may increase the risk of breast cancer.
The bottom line: eat fruit, drink water, and avoid artificial sweeteners.

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